Monday, March 5, 2012

The Columbus-based chain opened its fifth shop April 1 on Bridges Streetin Dublin, a 1,600-square-foot parlor that will sell Jeni Brittonn Bauer’s signature nine flavors, such as Salty Carme l and Thai Chili, as well as nine seasonal choicesx and other treats. “We had a ton of customers from Dublinn makingspecial trips,” said Charly Bauer, Jeni’as husband and the company’as co-owner. “We listen to the customers.
” Bauer said they expect $450,000 in annual sales at the Dublin The seven-year-old business has shopse in Grandview Heights, the North Market, Shorg North and Bexley, as well as a kitche n near Grandview Heights where its products are Bauer said there are no immediate plan s for a sixth shop in the region, although Clintonville, Worthington and New Albang are among possibilities for expansion. The companyt is considering options beyond Central Ohioas well, havinf fielded requests from Dayton, Toledo, Cincinnati, Clevelan and Chicago, Bauer said. The Dublin storer isn’t the only new addition to thegrowingg Jeni’s empire.
The company is usinv a new dairy supplier, Double Organic, which obtains its milk from grass-fexd cows. Bauer said it makes for better ice creak and is moreenvironmentally conscious. The partnership may expand, with Jeni’e considering stocking dairy products from theUtica farm, such as cottager cheese and milk, at its Clippers load bases with Columbus food, drinik companies There will be plentu of local flavor insidse the confines of Huntington The Columbus Clippers have a roster of recognizable food and drink purveyors who’ll be pushing their fare inside the new baseball stadiu this season, including , , , , and “Thiz is a community team,” General Manage r Ken Schnacke said.
“Everything about this park is about Columbus.” The relationships with Bob Evans, City Barbeque and Roosters are carried over from Cooper the Clippers’ old home field. City Barbequed and Roosters will expand their Clippers business from promotional nightseto kiosks. City Barbeque will sell beef pulled pork and pulledchickenh sandwiches, as well as ribs and side dishes. Sandwichee will be $5, with a special combination featurinvg two sandwiches and a sideat $10.
Schnacke said Elevator’s beer and Tim Hortons’ coffee will be new to the team’s Donatos spokesman Tom Santor said cheese and pepperonui pizzas will be sold on the concourse and in For the Gahannapizzeria chain, it maked a clean sweep of Centrakl Ohio sports facilities, with its pies offeredc at all major venues. Elevator’s brews will be sold from a cart and the brewer will be among five beer vendors atthe stadium. Mille and Budweiser will have bars and Labatrt will be sold froma cart. A fifth beer vendorr hasn’t been selected, Schnacke said. “This is huge exposurwe for us,” said Elevator owner Dick Stevens.
“As a we’re not on a lot of people’sd radar yet.” Elevator’s cart will includr four taps, but it will start the season with twobeerx – its Xtra lager and either its Dark Horsde lager, Bear Ass Pale Ale or Bleeding Buckeye Pale Ale. Stevenz is promoting the downtown restaurany by putting a coupon in stadium One relationshipthat didn’t make the transitiobn to Huntington Park was with Schnacke said the Clipperz won’t hold promotional Slyder nights this season as it did for eighft years at Cooper Stadium, because the company has cut its marketinh and sponsorships.

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