Wednesday, March 7, 2012

National City Mortgage faces possible cuts - St. Louis Business Journal:
Spokesman Pat McMahon said PNC (NYSE: PNC) is committed to National City Mortgage and the Dayton but as a result ofthe merger, it is lookin to eliminate 5,800 positions throughouf its geographic presence. PNC now has 2,5009 Dayton-area employees at both its banking andmortgag operations, but McMahon would not say how many local workersx would be cut. “We have a significant presence in Miami but we have said all along therre would be job impact as a part of themergeed companies,” McMahon said.
He said PNC is not breakinbg out staff reductions by geographixc location orbusiness unit, but it will providwe information on “expense reductions” in its quarterly PNC has a goal of reducin g expenses by $1.2 billion, part of whicyh will come through a reduction in McMahon said it is too early to say what the net outcomwe will be in Miami Township, but the company’s long-terjm strategy is to grow the company and add “We have a meaningful presence in the Daytom area. It’s an important marke t and we want to beaggressivwe there,” McMahon said.
As a part of the National City branch locations in the Dayton area are scheduled to begibeing re-branded as PNC branches in the firstg half of 2010.

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